The above scripture makes it clear how the Lord can save us from our sins, no matter how deep our sins are. He is ready to welcome us back as His children and make us cleanse. As the prodigal son, ( Luke 15: 11-32 ) was welcomed back by his father, so as our Lord Jesus Christ will welcome you into this kingdom no matter how sinful you are. The love of God for you never fades. As the love of the prodigal son’s father never faded, so as your Father in Heaven’s love will not fade. All that you have to do is to repent of your sins truly from your heart and seek forgiveness. When you read Romans 4:7-8, it says; “Blessed is the one whose sins has been forgiven. Blessed is the one who sins will never be remembered again.” This makes it clear that immediately you repent of your sins and ask for forgiveness, He forgives you at that right moment and never remembers it again. After seeking forgiveness, don’t still feel guilty within yourself and think he has not forgiven you. He has forgiven you and will never remember it again. You have already been welcomed as His child again without blame.
Remember, Hebrews 9:27 says, “It ought for a man to die at once and after death judgment.”
This is the grace time, never waste the love the Lord has for you. Make it profitable by accepting him truly as your Lord and personal saviour before it is too late. Never think there is more time. Death awaits anyone!!!. There is no repentance after death!!!. JESUS STILL LOVES YOU.